Please complete the contact form below if you would like to get in touch!
Our fireball association executive is outlined below this form. If you would like your message forwarded to any specific member of the executive, please say so in your message and we will ensure it is passed on to them.
Rear Commodore North America
Evelyn Chisholm
Canadian Fireball Association
President: Richard Quinlan
Treasurer: Greg Desilets
Secretary: Liam Quinlan
Measurer: Dave Landsberg
Provincial Contacts
BC Contact: Rob Thompson
AB Contact: Debbie Kirkby
ON Contact: Andy Carran
QC Contact: Tom Bird
United States International Fireball Association
President: Peter Wirth (acting)
Secretary: Peter Wirth
Treasurer: Pat Crump
Measurer: Pat Crump
Regional Contacts
Western: Alejandro Bustillos
Central: Alan Boeve
Eastern: Cal Cotton
Webmaster: Stephen Waldie