BC Championships

The Fireball Fleet Warms up Near the Fire on Saturday Evening. Photo by Jamie Cox.

Rob and Francis Thompson are the winners of the BC Championship held at Royal Victoria Yacht Club over the weekend. Ten boats participated in the event following Evelyn “Mother Hen/Evil Twin” Chisholm’s master plan which called for mixing and matching of crews and boats to accommodate some boatless itinerants from Ottawa and Portland. As a result Mike McEvoy sailed with Debra Dietch in Mark Cumming’s boat, Panther Larkin was teamed with Simon Pearson in Jamie Cox’s boat and Greg Desilets sailed with Shannon Gallins in Kelly’s boat. Other highlights included the return of Iain McEvoy after being MIA for several years and the unexpected appearance of Chris and Tracey Mills sailing their new to them (ex Mel Steffin) Fireball. Light air prevailed through the weekend and as usual in Cadboro Bay the tide was as much a factor as the wind. Lake sailors McEvoy and Dietch led the fleet for much of the second and third races after going the wrong way in race 1 but were unable to hold on for the win. Better boat handling and superior unwind speed gave Rob and Francis two bullets and the lead at the end of day 1. With everyone having a bad race counting all were hoping for a couple of races Sunday in order to get a drop. The wind never arrived and so the final results were Rob and Francis in first, Gary Bishop and Rob Warren second and Panther and Simon in third on the tie breaker.

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